Hello there, friend. I’m Amber C. Thomas – a wife, godmother, sister, friend, daughter (of my parents and of God), and lover of rainy days, sunny afternoons, green spaces, running water, and bird watching. All-in-all, an enthusiastic beholder of the many beautiful things God has created for you and me.
I’m a “cradle-Catholic” and perpetual learner continuously astonished by the depth and beauty of the Catholic faith. I’m absolutely captivated by the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and I’m passionate about helping others encounter Him and His merciful love. I feel most at peace on my backyard patio or in Eucharistic Adoration – which are also the places where I feel closest to God.
I performed my first poem at my second-grade talent show and have been writing… well since before I could write. My beloved Gram T. transcribed my first story when I was three and the rest is history. My house is full of half-used journals full of half-finished thoughts, books waiting to be read, a snuggly little dog who sheds an insane amount of fur, and the love of a husband for whom I grow more grateful with each passing day. I have a thing for fresh notebooks, strong black coffee, Sunday afternoon drives, good pens, a cozy space, and the way it feels to get lost in a tangle of words.
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” – St. Catherine of Siena